Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The life after the death of Steve Jobs.

1. Some adjectives that are used to describe Steve Jobs are fun, genius, revolutionary, nerd, and legendary. 

2. Steve Jobs was also apart of Pixar and NeXT.

3. Steve Jobs was was creative and always wanted to change up his style, while Gates was more "inside the box" and wouldn't take risks.

4. Steve Jobs friends and colleagues described Jobs as tough, hardworking but often betrayed his co workers to get what he wanted.

5. Steve Jobs always strived to be the best, and always expected the best from his co workers. Jobs was always switching up his style to make the company fresh and interesting for the customers.

6. Steve Jobs was involved in the music, video, visual communication, telephone, and computer industries. 

7. I think Steve Jobs had a great impact on the whole globe. Customers are infatuated with Apple products and love what he has done with technology. He has changed the way people see technology. Not only has he changed the way people communicate but the way people see music, books, games, schoolwork, business, and entertainment. 

8. People all over the world either own an Apple product or have at least heard of an Apple product. Apple offers iPads, iPhones, iMac computers, iTouch, and many more products that have changed the way people live. All products give you limitless options to what you can do with the product. 

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